Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Gratefulness from resthome residents.

Gratefulness from resthome residents is very gratifying, at that job.

Like a month or two ago, the one resthome resident who's a retired music professor said that somehow it seems that everything always goes better when I'm around.

And, right around that time, after I had had a few days off, the one resthome resident who I have a running joke with said that she had missed me.

How often have I had that kind of thing happen at other jobs?

Not very much.

The only thing I can think of is thankfulness from a handful of students, 2 art school students who said that my one sex class was their favorite class that they had taken and had meant a lot to them, as one put it, and a freshman writing student who I had bumped into in his senior year who said that something I had taught him then was incredibly useful to him and he had used it on every paper he wrote ever afterwards.

With the teaching, though, beyond the fact that it seems so long ago, is that there was very little stability of work, and there was very little pointed appreciation or even a nice work environment from supervisors or purported "colleagues."

So, that makes the appreciation feel less or stick less, as an impression of those overall jobs.

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