Monday, May 4, 2020

Reminiscence, of work in the early days of the coronavirus crisis.

At the resthome, my one (Mexican) coworker is quiet most of the time but is actually a pretty hard-assed skeptic, and one time she told me that back in her village where she comes from she used to always get into fights with her mom and her family over stuff like saints and space aliens and whatnot.

Anyhow, in the early days of the coronavirus crisis, we were leaving the office one day after our shift had gotten over and we had both been talking about how nervous everything was making us, so, since she lets me speak Spanish to her sometimes, I was like, "Vaya con dios" ('Go with God") and then after she thanked me, I was like, "O, porque eres un ateista, vaya con nada" ('Or, because you're an atheist, go with nothing').

"Bye," she was like, throwing up her hands.  "You make me crazy."

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