Monday, February 3, 2020

Freaky Egyptian reading text.

The other week, I was finishing up the exercises in my one Ancient Egyptian language textbook, and the last text in the unit turned out to be this super freaky spell for the protection of a baby from spirits who want to come in and kill it.

The spell addressed one nameless male spirit and one nameless female spirit, and it talked about how they sneak in at night with their head turned aside, and then it says shit like, "Do you want to kiss this child? I will not let you kiss him!".

Overall you can kind of see how it's like an old Egyptian remedy for Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) or whatever, but the language of it is super freaky, and it's even freakier to think of yourself as a person living in this world where you think that there's these malevolent demon spirits out there, who want to come into your house at night and kiss your child and kill it, and you have to try your best to stop them.

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