Thursday, February 6, 2020

An (old) (black) lady on the subway the other day.

The other week on the subway, this (old) (short) (black) lady in a tasteful coat gets on, pushing a black metal cart with something big in a black garbage bag inside of it, and a white plastic grocery bag on top of that.

At first she doesn't sit down even though there's a free seat right by her across the aisle from me, then a guy next to me gets up and offers her his seat and she takes it, and suddenly I notice that there's a damp stain towards the back of the seat on the seat across the aisle from us, and that's why she probably hadn't satten down there in the first place.

After a while, too, her elbow elbows me, and I noticed that she had taken out a classic blue tin of Danish butter cookies from her white plastic grocery bag, and for like a minute or two she used her one long fingernail to try to pick off the hard plastic seal around the edge of the lid, then she finally got it off, opened it up, and got herself out a butter cookie, and then she put the tin back in the white plastic grocery bag and tied it up and put it back on top of her stuff.

After a minute, she had finished her butter cookie.

So, like after another minute, she unwrapped the bag and got out the tin and got another cookie again, only to close it back up and put back the tin and wrap it up again, and then she set to eating her cookie.

That process repeated itself like three or four times.

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