Monday, December 9, 2019

A nightmare of last month or so:

Last month or so ago I dreamnt-

I'm on the top of a bunk bed, and I wake up and get up on my knees and I look out a window onto a field, and I see some people trying to rob or murder someone, so I yell and yell to help them and that stops the robbery, but then a few other people emerge from the grass on the field, and the next thing I know they're in my room, and my bunk is very close to the ceiling and is like right under this diagonal-like ceiling section like from a staircase up above me, and like one or two of the criminals are suddenly inside with me and are like here and there trying to get up onto the top bunk of the bunkbed where I am in order to hurt me and kill me out of anger at the stopped robbery or murder or whatever it was, and when I turn to one and fight them off, the other one creeps up behind me, so I turn to them only to leave my back vulnerable again, and that keeps happening, over and over and over, where there's always someone right behind me about to violently hurt me.

And then, I wake up.

. . .

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