Saturday, August 31, 2019

Two disappearing cats (1 of 2): New cat.

My one assisted living client with disabilities is providing a home for the cat of a friend of a friend of a friend whose owner will be in the hospital and then rehab for a while, so the cat has someone to be around while her owner heals.

The cat is very hide-y and has found like four or five spaces where it goes all the time, and it will slip from one to another without you even necessarily realizing that it's left its first place at all.

'Ninja cat,' she calls it.

Too, one of the cat's hiding places is behind the flat screen TV, which she gets to through a hole in the back of the cabinet where the wires come up from to go and connect to the TV.

You have a shine a flashlight below the TV to see if you can see fur, to see if she's there.

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