Wednesday, July 24, 2019

How I do love lesbian feminists.

The other week I was talking with the (lesbian) (feminist) sister of my one assisted living client with disabilities, and she was a bit upset that the (lesbian) (feminist) chorus that she sings in had recently been described as 'racially diverse.'

"No we're not," she was like. "Yes, we're working towards that goal, but just look at us, no we're not racially diverse, we're not there yet."

. . .

I really do love lesbian feminists, and that comment is just so like the ethos that I love: there's vision, but it's grounded, and they recognize shortcomings, even as they dialogue with others and engage with and incorporate what they have to say.  Honestly, what's not to like?  Lesbians have been the great visionaries and institution builders of the gay community during the second half of the 20th century, and you just can't get around that.

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