Sunday, May 5, 2019

On generational change.

I think one of the things that's striking about my generation and especially those under me, is that the paths simply aren't there.

Someone can go to law school or grad school or get into this or get into that or whatever, and it's an outside chance of success, versus the surer chance that used to be there.

For example, I think of so many people I know who went to law school.

They have a hard time even finding full-time work, let alone a public service job - there's so much federal turmoil! - or a path upwards - how can you move up, when you can't start out like people used to?.

With that, too, you can see how family wealth matters, where someone can spot in a young relative or a friend's kid into a firm that they run, so that the kid gets a good salary right away and is on the path to partner.

If you focus on individuals, you can still see upward mobility, but if you focus on paths as a whole, all you see is a smaller and smaller horizon of possibility.

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