Sunday, February 24, 2019

Another dream, during my campaign.

A few weeks ago I dreamnt -

I'm tossing and turning in bed, and suddenly I know that I wasn't careful enough taking care of an insect infestation.

While I'm still lying there in bed with my eyes closed, my mental vision zooms out and refocuses on an old mattress casing that I had pulled off and carelessly thrown aside against the wall so that it had fallen in a clump higher up on the wall and a bit against my current covers, and then my vision zooms in and I see a few insects that are shiny slivers of white that are crawling all over the casing, and then my vision clicks into place and I see that the mattress cover is full of a complete swarm of them, all rapidly running over it, to the point where you can't even see the casing, except in a few places.

And then, I'm there with a spray bottle full of rubbing alcohol spraying it directly onto the insects to kill them, but I'm also lying in bed at the same time.

And then, I wake up.

. . .

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