Monday, January 28, 2019

A (black) woman on the train.

The other week I was going in to work on the subway, and I was talking on my phone with my parents when I stepped into the car from the platform, and then I kept talking as I made my way to this open corner seat at the far end of the car, and when I sat down, I noticed a (younger middle-aged) (black) woman sitting opposite me and also talking on her phone, loudly.

She had a black tights and a shiny synthetic maroon jacket on, and a pink bobble cap with sparkles put in in the little spaces between where the threads intersected, and her glasses were black with these pinkish shiny floral swirls on the frames, and her hair was dyed a bright pink, in waves of shades that could become almost a blonde-ish at times.

She had a gym bag with a leopard print sitting on the floor by her feet, too.

Later, this one younger and this one older (Chinese-speaking) woman got on the train, and the older woman noticed a clump of two black gloves one folded into the other sitting on the floor of the train car, and the older woman turns to her and is like, "Excuse me, are those yours?"

And at that, the (black) woman gives her a side eye and just hunches up her shoulders at her, without even really acknowledging her.

Like five minutes later, though, another guy gets on the car and sits on my side, and he sees the gloves and also decides to ask the (black) woman if they're hers, and this time, she looks down, sees her gloves, and picks them up.

(Honestly, like what the hell.)

After she got off the car soon after that, too, I shook my head and said to the two (Chinese-speaking) women on the other side of the car, "That was weird."

"She was very rude," the older woman observed.

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