Sunday, November 11, 2018


I really like clipping my toenails.

I've noticed lately that the nails on my little toes are getting flatter, so it's easier to push back the cuticles and then clip off the nail, straight across in a big flat straight line.

Every time, too, I feel that the end of my big toenails are catching at my sock, I stop and pull off my sock and go and look, and what do you know, it's time to clip my toenails again.

My one (lesbian) coworker used to work in a foot clinic years ago, and she knows a lot about diseases of the foot and leg, as well as their healthy condition.

She said that toenails change over the course of your life, and that the nails in particular get thicker.

Oddly, I had been noticing that lately at the resthome, with a few residents whose bedtime routines involve feet.

Each of them is like 90 or a hundred, and their toenails are very thick and humped, almost more like talons than toenails.

I wonder how or even if you clip toenails like that, when you get older.

I think the resthome has a special guy come in every once in a while, to check people's feet and maybe clip their toenails for them.

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