Friday, November 16, 2018

Levity at the resthome: My temporary confusion.

The other night when I was working at the resthome, I come out of a room and my one (Filipina) coworker is coming down the hallway and saying my name and is holding out this thin, couple inch long rectangle box thing at me, and at first I think it's a mezuzah that's fallen off someone's doorpost, and she wants me to come help her figure out how to reattach it.

Then, I realize it's a small long thin specialty chocolate bar that she wants me to have.

I took it, and later I showed it to a resident, and they agreed it kind of looked like a mezuzah from a distance.

A little bit later than that, I told the story again to another resident, but when I went to go reach for the chocolate bar to go and show them its shape, I realized that I had already eaten it, and there was just an empty crumpled wrapper in my uniform smock pocket.

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