Saturday, November 24, 2018

A few people I meet when I'm out campaigning:

1) This (white) (bro-ish) (late 30-something or early 40-something) guy in (neon green) construction gear who's walking by and who I approach with my usual greeting and hold out my campaign literature to, but he holds out his hand to me like "talk to the hand" and is like "No thanks, I don't need any propaganda today."

2) This one (white) (purple-dyed hair) (early 20-something) who's out walking a (small) dog and who I immediately speak to after that, and it turns out she just moved here from the rural Northeast to join friends and to try living in a city for a while and she's not registered to vote, and I thank her for her kindness and mention that guy's response, and when I say, "You have to wonder what people who say things like that are like in everyday life," she's like, "Do you really want to find out?".

3) This one (older) (white) woman who answers her door and we get to chatting about an American flag decoration in her window, and then she points out how there's like a foot of spots on the window all across the front window, and she says it's the cat who goes there, since he has allergies and sneezes, and I immediately see that the spots only go as far up as cat height.

She also points out how the cat destroyed each end of the blinds, so it could make its way out onto the window sill and sit and watch the world go by.

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