Friday, November 23, 2018

A disturbing dream of boating and drowning.

The other week I dreamnt -

I'm in a smaller enclosed motor boat with my father and another passenger, and my dad is driving the boat.

Waves kick up and begin washing over the windows more and more, and next thing you know they're over the windows and almost like four-fifths up the boat where there's just like half a foot of light over there, and my dad says everything is all right, and the boat keeps moving ahead, but I'm afraid we'll sink, and I start thinking about how I'd have to kick out the windows and swim out to avoid being trapped inside and drowning, once we go down.

And, a little bit of water comes through a window, which I latch closed at some point.

But, the dream continues and we reach shore, and we're outside my one childhood home where we lived the longest, the one on a small lake.

We were boating on our small lake the entire time, and I always had been aware of it.

We docked by the resort a few doors down from us, rather than by our house, and then walked over to our house.

. . .

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