Sunday, October 21, 2018

Addendum: I have to restrain my sense of humor.

I really do have to restrain my sense of humor when I talk with voters.

The other week, I was talking with some voter and we had really good rapport going and then they mentioned the neighborhood rat problem.

So, I put on a bit of a bombastic character voice and was like, "You know, what I say is, let's start up some more activities for kids like archery lessons, and then the city can sell them licenses, and then they can go out and kill the rats.  You keep the kids busy, the city makes a little money, and less rats, it's win win win!".

Then, the voter gave me a blank stare, and I thought "Oh shit," so I just gave an honest answer like I didn't even make the joke, and I thought to myself that I'll never do that again.

The things I do for the common good!

I have to restrain myself.

On some level, it pains me.

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