Thursday, October 25, 2018

A dream of the weird.

The other week I dreamed -

I was in a basement, and off this paved hallway was a cinder block room, and crumpled up against the wall was this (very thin) (very pale) woman in a bridal dress, and it looked like there was a light powder over her and her dress and around the part of the wall that she was laying against, though you could tell it was all different things and not just one layer of powder over everything or anything like that.

Next thing you know, she eased up creakily and then we were out in the hallway and she was walking beside me, and I realized she was a constituent and she was telling me about problems that she was having in the neighborhood.

I wasn't ill at ease, but I never looked directly at her face, and I was mildly suspecting that it was skull-like, or at least sunken in where the flesh was close up against the bone, and her hair was blonde and stringy in this little bonnet that had some black base fabric that the light veil was tacked onto, almost country-like, even, and at that point her dress wasn't bridal anymore, it was full and black, like from some thick material.

. . .

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