Sunday, October 14, 2018

A wonderful compliment by a constituent the other day.

The other day when I was finishing up canvassing, I was walking past this one stretch of street that I had been down by earlier, and I saw this (Chinese-American) husband who I had talked to out in this park opposite his house with his kids, and this similarly aged (Chinese-American) woman sitting on the steps of the house in a pink sweatshirt.

Since I assumed that she was his wife, I went up to her and introduced myself and explained that I had met her husband earlier, and we chatted a bit.

She had a *ton* of policy questions for me, and we talked a while, and then she dug into my professional background a bit more.

After all of that, she was like, "You're very brave," and thanked me for running, and said that she has the same beliefs but simply wouldn't go and take the risk like that.

Wasn't that amazing?
No-one's ever told me that before, and I thanked her very warmly; it really is a lot of time and energy and risk, and very few people seem to see it.

It's nice to see that that's appreciated.

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