Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Two people on the subway, on successive days:

1) A (tall) (young) (blonde) girl with shorter shorts and wide hips, talking very loudly in her high-pitched voice about musical theater with some other young person, and saying how in high school she was always the "musical theater kid" who knew all the cast members on all the albums, but since she got to college, other people's knowledge has put her to shame, and that's okay.

2) A(n older) (black) man with a moustache and a soul patch, in a porkpie hat and a short-sleeved shirt and khaki dress pants, who every once in a while makes a loud smacking sound, about every ten to thirty seconds or so...

I think he's gone, but then many stops later other people who had sat down on the subway bench in between us get up and leave, and out of the corner of my ear I hear that sound again, and I glance up from my book, and he's still there.

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