Thursday, August 2, 2018

More on my (Tibetan) coworkers.

The other day I found out, that when a few of my (Tibetan) coworkers work with this one (older) (white) woman who can experience rapid mood swings and get really cranky at the drop of a hat, that they break out into snatches of this one song that goes something like "We're better / together / forever," that sounds super old-timey and that seems like something they picked up from somewhere that makes her happy really really quickly.

"Hey, [her name]," they're like, "don't you know that we're better, together, forever," and as they sing she joins in, and then they break off and can get her to go do her routine without any problem.

And, when they sing, they have their heavy (Tibetan) accents.

It's interesting, too, how anti-materialistic my (Tibetan) coworkers are, on the whole.

I'm not sure if it's because they were refugees or are Buddhist or what, but every once in a while when we talk, one of them makes just some short, genuine observation on the sad state of humankind, like "Some people, they love money," and they do a tsk-tsk-tsk sort of thing.

Also, the other day the one (American) RN was commenting to them on how she was just amazed that most of them speak 3 languages, Tibetan and Hindi and English.

"That's just amazing," she was like.  "I can't even speak Spanish."

"But you live in a country that speaks Spanish," one of my (Tibetan) coworkers was like, "And you see, you will."

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