Monday, July 30, 2018

On lesbian separatist culture.

My one coworker at my one caregiving job is a lesbian, and she sings in a lesbian feminist chorus.

She's currently on a break from it for various reasons, but she wants to get back into it really bad, and soon.

For over 25 years, she's done many many rehearsals and then concerts, often for just medium-sized crowds, although there's a huge amount of effort in the preparation of it by all of the members, which can include arrangement of songs and even composition of new music.

On the one hand, it's sad that it's not bigger and that more people aren't appreciating it.

On the other hand, this is women's culture, where women focus on women's spaces and lifting up other women, without regard to the larger patriarchal culture and its judgments and priorities.

And, I think that's what you need to focus on.

When you get down to it, isn't it wonderful?

There's almost nothing better than lesbian separatists, in my book.  So strong, so grounded, so idealistic and real at the same time, it's just wonderful.

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