Tuesday, June 5, 2018

Two (black) women from a union workshop.

One of my healthcare jobs is unionized, and a few weeks ago I went to a leadership workshop, and as it turns out, I was the only (white) person in the room, which was heavily (black) and (female) with a few (Latinos) and one (Chinese-American) woman thrown in.

At one point, a(n older) (black) woman said that in the late 60s she was going down by bus from the city to visit "relatives in the Delta," and when they were changing busses in Memphis, a(n older) (white) woman came up to her and told her to go sit in the back of the bus.

"And I said, 'Uh hell no,'" the (older) (black) woman said, waving her finger, and everyone nodded hugely and appreciatively and then clapped.

Later, one (Latina) woman named Luz or something like that told a story through a translator, and after that this other (older) (black) woman who had on sunglasses and a light leopard-pattern shirt and a big gold cross necklace was like, "Thank you, Maria."

A bit later than that, that same (older) (black) woman told some lesson from her own life, and she ended telling that lesson by explaining, "...because I am a strong black woman," which most everyone appreciated and approved of, you could see from their faces and from their eyes.

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