Saturday, June 30, 2018

Subway Tales (2 of 2): Alikeness.

Like a few days later, I was on the subway car, and I had shorts on, and one of my knees had a bit of a scab on it from when I had tripped and fell a few days earlier.

Later on that same trip, a (younger middle-aged) (white) guy comes on the subway also in shorts, and one of his knees is a bit scabbed up, too, likely because he also fell at some point, very probably right around the same time that I did.

Earlier on that same trip, too, a(n older) (middle-aged) (white) guy in jeans and a grey t-shirt and a baseball cap comes on the subway, and he's very thin, no musculature at all, and he has a goatee and a hard-bitten look around his face and his face has got a bit too many wrinkles for his age, and on his forearms, there's scabs here and there up and down them, from what appear to be trackmarks.

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