Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Kind gesture of a (younger) (black) (woman) to me after midnight...

...and when we were both on a relatively packed train car, and like 2 or 3 stops before mine this (black) (female) (homeless) person lying across 2 seats with her head on her backpack started shouting into it how she would kill them and they kept trying to drag her into hell, and everyone on the car got silent and looked at her out of the corner of their eyes, and then when I got off at my stop and am walking down the platform I hear:

"Hey, here!"

(And with that this [younger] [black] [woman] leans out the subway door and underhand tosses my black knit cap to me, since it must have fallen out of my pocket when I was getting up to leave and was slinking out of the door without trying to attract notice of the homeless woman down at the other end of the car.)

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