Saturday, May 19, 2018

Resthome residents (4 of 4): Medical distinctions.

The other week, this one (really old) (white) guy who I change his catheter bag for him was telling me about his gas, and then he started telling me about the last time he was in rehab.

"This nurse," he was like, "got very angry with me, if I went to go to the bathroom, and she took me there, and I farted instead."

Then, after a pause, he was like, "She told me, that I should know the difference!"

Then, after another pause, he was like, "Know the difference between shit and a fart, how can you do that?!"

Then, after yet another pause, he was like, "I told her, that a person cannot know the difference between shit and a fart beforehand, and to assign that task to me at ninety-seven years of age, when I had not been able to learn it before..."

And at that, he let the thought drift off, and then he paused and thought a bit, and then he laughed.

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