Monday, May 14, 2018

A subway story (1 of 2): Beginning.

The other week when I was on the subway, there was this (younger) (bearded) (black) guy with decent looking clothes, but he had a wheely bag and smelled like BO, and at one point he was standing up by the door and got out some poptarts and threw bits of the silver wrapper on the ground ,and then ate the poptarts slow but messily, with big bits falling off onto him and the floor.

Later, he moved to the other side of the car and said something to someone else who also seemed (homeless), then he slumped with his back against the clear plexiglass divider that I was on the other side of, with a bit of his clothes bulging through a gap between the plexiglass and the metal.

At that point, I waited for the next stop, then got up, sidle over to the door, walked out normally, and then hustled down to the next car to ride there.

As I sat down, this (plump) (young) (black) woman on the other side of the car and just a bit down from me is like, "He crazy," to which I'm like, "Yeah, did you see that shit with the poptarts?", but that just makes her make me look at me like *I'm* crazy.

Then, I notice that she has earbuds in with a wire going down to her phone.

"Wait, are you on the phone?", I was like.

"Uh, yeah," she's like, standoffishly.

"Oh!", I was like, "I thought you were talking to me, I just left the next car to come over here, because of the way a guy was acting!"

At that, she laughs, and so does a (young) (black) guy in a cowboy hat sitting across from me.

"I was wondering you saw that!", I added.  "I was like, 'Did she see all that through between the car windows?'".

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