Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Job challenge.

With my one resthome job, some people are on vacation, and another got fired, so I turn around and they ask me to work extra days, where for like 2 weeks straight I'd have just one day off a week.

I mean, I will once in a while, maybe once every 3-4 weeks at most, but more than that is a little much.

It's not like you even get overtime.  Instead, same old minimum wage.

For that, I'd prefer the time off.

It really is funny that the higher up in the jobscale you go, the more you can get away with, but the lower down you are, the shittier it can be.

It's like people are like, "This job's shitty and they don't mind shit, so let's just make it shittier."

That said, I do think that this is a temporary hiring blip due to the new head of my department, and things will smooth out to a normal schedule soon.

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