Thursday, May 31, 2018

An extended and intimate conversation on the subway.

The other week when I was going in to work for one of my jobs, I sat down in the corner of the subway car, and it was a packed trip, and eventually a (young) (black) guy with an odd facial hairstyle beard thing and lots of earrings in each ear came on and crammed down into the open seat next to me.

And then, a few minutes later he asks this (Latina or maybe Indian?) woman across the aisle, about a book she's reading, that has a title about some spiritual law.

And, she opens up and starts talking about it and the energy you put out and how you live your life, etc., and the guy listens really intently and nods and nods and nods, and then he shows her his book he was reading, which is by some guru, and he says that it's not everyone who's into "transcendental" books.

(Maybe he meant "metaphysical"?)

Later, a(n older) (white) man came on, and he started talking with the (young) (black) guy, and from what they were saying it seemed like the (white) guy used to be a professor of his, and that the (young) (black) guy was a theater student.

Lately, I've been relishing stuff like this, this is exactly why you live in a city.

"All kinds of people, all of G-d's children."

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