Wednesday, May 9, 2018

I'm "up and down" with campaigning.

Campaigning is a very interesting experience.

Some days I'm up, and some days I'm down.

I did a landscape memo and the race seems winnable, and my interactions are patterning according to how I anticipated, but some interaction might be new or go off wrong, or the incumbent starts to do something I didn't anticipate, and then I wonder, "Can I really win this?".

It's a heck of a lot of time to invest, to not win. 

Though, I think it's a huge learning experience, and there's payoffs from the campaign that I'd satisfied with, even if I don't win.

It's so weird.  So much time, so much time knocking doors, perhaps all for naught, in one major way.

I'm also really pushing myself to knock doors, with the same exhausting focus that I was getting people to sign cards in a couple of the unionization drives that I was in.  I do it a shit-ton on my days off and then go hit up bars afterwards, and I try to make myself do it for a half-hour or an hour before heading in to work on the days that I work.

It really is like it's my job, outside of my job, and I don't really have a day off.

I can tell you one thing, there's no way that the incumbent is doing that.

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