Thursday, March 1, 2018

I'm trying to wean myself from my smartphone.

I do love Twitter, but I've decided to try to wean myself off of my smartphone a lot.

Some of it's good, so I can keep up with labor and higher ed news and radical feminism and whatnot, but sometimes it can turn out to be a huge waste of time.

So, I've been trying to be more purposeful when I use it - for example, not looking at my phone when I get up in the morning, and leaving it in another room so I can have breakfast and read at my dining room table, without interruption or temptation of interruption.

I also used the visual accessibility settings to switch the screen to grayscale, since having bright colors on it tempts you to use it more often and fucks with your neurons and whatnot and makes you all addicted.

News is there of a second, there and gone, but many many books are lasting, and you're better off spending your time reading them.

At one point, I was going through my Facebook activity, and I had liked so many posts that I didn't even remember, or weren't so cool in retrospect.

"Why did I do that?", I thought to myself.

It was all froth, and I was very disappointed in myself, how I had used my time.

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