Friday, March 2, 2018

A neighborhood ex-marine on Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders.

The other week, I was out correcting papers at a local bar, and a(n older) (white) guy down the bar from me asked me what I was up to, and we started chit-chatting.

As it turns out, he was a city worker on the verge of retirement, and a life-long Democrat, and a Sanders-Trump voter.

"I was a marine and my son's a marine," the guy was like.  "And I'm not a sexist, but a woman can't lead the armed forces."

Then, he was like, "Just look at her, Hillary's like a wet tampon, if you know what a mean."

He said he voted for Trump, but when I asked him if he liked what he's done so far, he said it's hard to tell what with the media getting on him all the time, and that he's called countries "shitholes" himself so what's the big deal about that, but when I stuck to the question and asked him if he had done anything good so far, he just kind of pursed his lips, and it just seemed to me like he regretted voting for him, but he couldn't say that out loud since it'd be admitting to himself that he was wrong.

I then asked him about Sanders, and if it bothered him that he's a socialist.

"He was?", the guy was like.  "I didn't know that.  I can't remember what it was now, but I liked what he said."

"He was all anti-Wall Street," I was like.

"Yeah!" the guy was like, brightening.  "I liked that."

I then asked him again what he thought about Bernie Sanders being a socialist, and I added that a lot of young kids I taught nowadays, were becoming socialists.

"Well, we're already a socialist country anyhow," the guy was like.  "There's all this free stuff you can get, so that's what they probably like."

. . .

Like a few days later, when I was telling a co-worker about this conversation, I told her that if advocating for *any* kind of public works or social services gets you accused of socialism, you might as well go whole hog big, since you're going to get blamed for it anyways.

She agreed with me.


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