Sunday, March 25, 2018

Am excited to be able to budget.

Since losing my one elder care job and probably getting set up in the same type of elder care job but through a home, I'm really, really stoked to finally be able to budget.

All my adult life, I've never had a stable income stream, where I could estimate my monthly outlay, and then know something like, "Okay, I have fifty dollars this week I can spend on extra stuff."

That's because I was always working multiple jobs to heap up a lot of money, and I was in boom-and-bust cycles where I'd be flush with cash during the academic year but be dry during the summer, and whatnot.

It's really sort of exciting to have just two part-time jobs that give me consistent hours forever, extending outwards to the horizon.

Finally, I can plan more, in ways that people think is default normal, but were never available to me.

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