Monday, January 29, 2018

So nice to have a couch.

Since I had bedbugs, I had to wash everything and cleanse much, and other stuff I rotated through a freezer, but a lot of other stuff I just boxed up or left in an outside storage area, since if you wait an entire year, that's long enough for them to starve and die, whether adults or any eggs that are on there and hatch in the meanwhile.

So, I haven't had a couch or a comfortable chair in a year, just my bed and my kitchen table and chairs.

Finally, a year elapsed since I moved in to my new place, so I was finally able to bring my couch and chair in.

It was so nice, to have a couch to lie on and curl up in a blanket and read.

That day I ended up reading an entire book, though I had read an entire book the previous day during the world's easiest client home care shift, since the client needed very little assistance.

It was just so lovely, to have a couch again.

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