Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Saw some (black) city workers underneath the viaduct the other day.

The other week, I was going in to one of my jobs, and passed under this one viaduct where (white) city crews had been doing some work on and off the past few weeks.

This time, as I'm biking up, there's a (black) woman in a neon green construction vest all by herself in front of a van in front of the viaduct just facing away down the street looking at nothing in particular, and she's doing kneeling stretches like she's saluting the sun or doing tai chai or whatever.

Then, I pass under more, and there's a couple more (black) city workers in neon green construction vests, and they have Christmas music blaring.

Then, I'm a few blocks away, and there's this (old) (white) man from the neighborhood with a fat old beagle without a leash, and it runs across the empty street, and he yells at it, because he's afraid for its safety.

Then, I biked in to work, otherwise uneventfully.

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