Sunday, January 7, 2018

A sight from public transportation (1 of 2): Trestles.

The other week, I was taking the subway into one of my jobs in the late morning, and I was on this elevated above-ground section south of the city.

There were some workers in the car, and the train eventually slowed down and they pulled the emergency exit lever and went to go outside, right when we weren't even near a station or on an embankment or anything, but were on these trestles way the heck above the ground, about two stories up or so.

I kind of got up a little in my seat to go see what they were stepping out onto, and across the car this (late middle-aged) (black) lady did the same, scooting out of her seat and turning around to check out what was happening.

"Wow," I was like, "I didn't realize they had a whole sidewalk out there on the tracks," since the workers were going out onto this little boardwalk with a rail that was put up on one side of the tracks, that I had never noticed before.

"Me neither," she was like.  "I thought they had to go walk around out there and could slip."

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