Wednesday, December 20, 2017

What's up with these job people?

With my one job with eldercare, I went through a ton of training, and then got no notifications for clients for like 4-5 months, though I had marked out like 4-5 days of availability, including prime weekend times.

Finally, I got one call... work a major holiday.

I said yes, and then a few days later, I got a call to maybe work two days a week on prime weekend times maybe for a couple of months, maybe for longer if the client didn't go away for the winter...

...but they asked me to come in for training on days I didn't have marked as available (?).

So, I may have to cancel work that day at my library job and lose like $80 of income, to come and meet a prospective client and their family.

I guess that's fine, but what's up with these people?  Do they think that a person is completely on call with no life and no other commitments, and is willing to drop everything for maybe two days of work for a couple of months?

The answer, sadly, is yes.

What the f*ck has "work" come to in the U.S.?

There's absolutely no commitment to anyone.

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