Friday, December 22, 2017

Shaving self-harm.

The other week, I was shaving, and like I usually do, I go get the few stray hairs that I have around each nipple, just to make my chest area look a bit less messier and a bit nicer.

After I did that, I put my shirt back on, and I proceeded to shave my face, only then somehow I felt a slight wetness on the very tip of my left nipple.

That struck me as odd, so I raised my shirt to see if I was bleeding, and I wasn't, but then I looked closer, and a very little bit of the very very tip of my left nipple was nicked, and had a slight red tinge of blood on the subtly gouged out part.

And, I realized that I must have accidentally swiped it, when I was coming up from a shave of the hairs around my nipple.

It's funny, how sensitive nipples are, that I could feel that much just from the shirt resting against such a small wound.

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