Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Students can be so different, it's funny.

Students can be so different, it's funny.

My mom sent me this article on John Grisham's new thriller, since it's based on for-profit law schools defrauding people.

One student who I tutor got into the article when I set up an exercise around it for him to do, so I decided to use it again the next day, for a different bunch of students.

The first one turned out to *hate* it, and she told me that though she gets into stories and poems, whenever it's something non-fiction, esp. about a person's life, she just tunes out while reading and ends up staring out into space and she really has to force herself to read it, and she often has to read it again a second time, since she didn't engage all that much the first time around.

Then, funnily enough, with the next student that day, she was like, "Thanks so much for this!", and she said she absolutely *hated* the exercise we had done around pop song lyrics, the previous week.

"It just is so much better, when it ties into the real world," she was like.

Like I said, students can be so different, it's funny.

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