Tuesday, December 12, 2017

A happening on a trip to the store, the other day.

The other Sunday evening when I was walking to the store, I was walking up the main stretch, and all of a sudden people spill out of a Korean BBQ as I walk by and then some people spill out of the Chinese restaurant a few doors up, and then I notice that they're not customers leaving, but rather people just milling about out front, and I notice that though I can see them, it's because the streetlights across the street are on, but the ones on our side of the street are out, and the storefronts are dark.

"Did the power go out?", I ask a (young) (Chinese) woman who's on her cell and has an apron on and is spilling out onto the sidewalk.

"Yes!", she's like.  "Two or three minutes ago."

As I walk up that block a bit further, I can see the mini-mall to my right is also all dark, and there's a single white emergency light intermittently flashing in the chain pharmacy.

After I did my shopping further up, then, I was walking home, and I noticed the lights in the mini-mall were back on, and so I glanced further up the street and I could see the Chinese restaurant sign all lit up.

The power must have gotten back on, within thirty minutes.

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