Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Odd beach sight.

The other week when it was a beautiful weekend afternoon, I was at a park beach like I usually am, since I try to get out to the beach once a week when the weather is nice.

And, people were swimming, and I had been swimming myself earlier that afternoon.

And, all of a sudden, there was this (mildly confused looking) (older) (white) man with a (moustache) yelling down at swimmers, saying that he was a cop and that they were swimming in an illegal place and to get out, and that didn't they know there was an undertow and 39 people died this summer from it, and that cops would come there but they were busy with an event, and he'd be calling them (and he did go on to actually do that, since no-one was paying attention to him!).

The whole thing didn't make much sense, since that part about the undertow seems like crap, and he probably wasn't a cop either, too, but rather just some older guy with dementia or maybe mental problems.

I watched him a bit and then tried to keep an eye out for him, out of the corner of my eye.

To be perfectly frank, I was wondering if he was a wacko armed white guy, like that one shooter guy in Las Vegas, and I was trying to be on top of shit in case he had a gun.

This gun availability thing is fucking nuts.

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