Thursday, November 23, 2017

Flashback to high school.

Whenever I bike in in the morning to the one community college that I tutor at, I always have to bike on the sidewalk for the last little bit, since the way that the one-way streets run in that part of town, it's tough to use bikelanes to get there, for the last little stretch of it.

The past few weeks, there's been a car or a van parked right in front of the little ramp that runs down from the sidewalk and interrupts the curb, so I haven't been able to bike down using the ramp, but instead have had to stop and lift my bike down, then get on it again and bike on over across the street.

Each time when this has happened, it's brought me back to high school, and my one friend whose brother had cerebral palsy and had to use a wheelchair.

I remember one time when we were together in a car somewhere for some reason - I think she gave me a ride somewhere for something we both had to go to? - and she got so angry because someone had parked right in front of a ramp.

"That makes it so hard for other people!', she said.

She was really really angry out of otherwise nowhere, I remember, and that was the first time I think I really caught a glimpse of how different people's lives could be even though we lived in the same world, if they had something like a disability.

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