Sunday, October 1, 2017

An aspect of my blog:

I tend to write posts around a month ahead of time, so if I get busy and miss a bit, there's still all the once-a-day content coming.

That's why I start so many posts with "the other week" or "the other month," so that the time reflected within the post is somewhat accurate, by the time that they're published and people start reading them.

Sometimes I've thought, then, that if I die suddenly, my blog will go on for a bit longer, like probably for around a month, and then it will suddenly stop, though by that time I'll have been dead for around a month by then.

It's like dead people on Facebook, where they pop up on a birthday notice, but they're actually gone.

I've heard stories about people posting "Happy birthday!" on the walls of distant acquaintances or friends who they hadn't been in touch with, when those people were long gone, so it turned out that they were wishing happy birthday to dead people without knowing it.

Isn't technology wonderful?


(This post is just a morbid reflection; nothing actually going on here with me.)

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