Thursday, October 5, 2017

A dream of a library.

The other week, I dreamnt -

I'm in a library, and there's multiple floors, and each has like a twelve by twelve square cut off and railed off, and for some reason that's how I cross between floors.

On one floor, I can't see the books around me, and there's this very odd looking light blue staircase, and some (men) beckon me up, but I tell one to keep going first, since I'm afraid that if we're both on it at the same time, that it'll collapse.

Next, I'm crawling up like a poorly positioned rope ladder and with difficulty trying to throw my leg over a floor, and I can see the bookstacks around me, and a well-dressed man in a suit walks by, next to his wife in a tasteful paisley burka.

Then, I get up onto that floor, and as I go into a room, a woman passes by in my peripheral vision.

Next thing I know, the police are asking me about her, since it turns out she disappeared, and they're gathering all clues to the crime.

I want to tell them more in order to help them, but I hardly even noticed her presence, she was just there and gone, and I really have nothing to say.

. . .

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