Friday, June 9, 2017

Unionization election victory!

So, my unionization efforts with my one library job paid off.

It was wonderful to be present for the vote count.

Almost 30 people were there to watch the NLRB guy count up the votes, and it was interesting to see the procedure that takes place in front of witnesses in order to have a mutually acknowledged valid election.

First off, all the votes were marked in a blind voting booth, just like in a normal election, with people coming in from work and having their names checked off on an eligible voters list in the presence of representatives from both management and unionizing employees.

Second, with the actual vote count, it happened again in front of representatives from both management and employees, and the NLRB guy removed all the votes from the cardboard boxes that he had always kept possession of, slit them and showed the collapsed box to the witnesses so that they could see that there were no votes remaining inside somehow, and then set the boxes aside and sorted the votes out into two piles, which he then at the end counted out one-by-one, holding out each vote in turn to show that the vote was indeed cast as he said it was.

It was great because there was just one vote to his left, and then more and more and more on his right, like 15+ in a row, and it became clear to everyone that that must be the "Yes!" pile.

At that point, a person standing near me nudged me and was like, "Look!", and they pointed out to me that the admin lawyer had started slumping down in his chair in defeat.

I was giggling at how funny it was, as the "Yes!" votes racked up, all until another couple votes against were set aside, and then the situation stopped being so funny.

Also, at the very end, when the NLRB guy went to go and read the votes, he was like, "Votes yes," and then went with his hands towards the "no" pile and faked everyone out, and then went to the big old pile of "Yes!" votes and began counting them one-by-one.

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