Sunday, May 7, 2017

Three sights biking in to school the other morning:

1) A(n older) (Chinese) woman with a pushcart, walking slowly down the alley and stopping to peek into a trashbin, then closing it and going on to the next one.

(Was she trashpicking?).

2) A bit up the alley, a bulldozer at work amidst the wreckage of a garage to my right.

3) Biking in, a semi for a potato chips brand turning left onto my street, and cars backed up waiting for it while it gingerly eases up into the turn without any hitting parked cars...  And then when I move forward into the intersection, the (Mexican-looking) (guy) in the van that had been behind the semi kindly waves me forward, even though he clearly has the right of way by a ton, just because he's being nice to a person on a bike.

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