Wednesday, May 10, 2017

A story of my mother (2 of 2): Back at her library job.

So, because one of my mom's old coworkers has cancer, they asked her to come back out of retirement and fill in for her while she's doing chemo, in order to keep the job open for her...

As they explained to my mom, they'd hire someone temporary in, but they'd be afraid that the one woman with cancer would think that they were actually setting out to replace her, and they don't want to risk her thinking that at all, so they asked my mom to come back, since it's obvious she's retired and wouldn't be a permanent replacement.

Anyhow, my mom's mostly been doing computer work in the back with interlibrary loans rather than shelving since her hands and arms aren't as good as they used to be, but she has filled in on shelving on occasion, and she said that the shelves are an absolute mess, to the point where you can't even figure out where to put a book, all the books in that area are so rearranged.

In fact, she actually thinks that someone is going through and deliberately rearranging books, they're so messed up.

Back when she used to work, one teenage page was slacking off and just putting books wherever, but it's beyond this, she says.

Just in case, anyhow, she's going to do what she did then, write down a few call numbers from a cart, and then after the page went and shelved that cart, she'll go and check and see if the books got to where they're supposed to go.

But, she said one book was actually way at the top of one shelf on the very highest shelf where you had to reach and stretch to get it, which makes her think that someone is deliberately mixing them up, since if you're a lazy teenager, you wouldn't shelve like that, you'd just reach out and put them right where you are without having to bend down or get up on your tippy-toes.

She thinks it might be local teenagers doing that, and I definitely hope so.

My first thought was an absolutely insane adult, and with that kind of person, who knows what they'd do if you caught them and confronted them.

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