Monday, May 1, 2017

Theatergoer next to me the other week.

So, the other week, this theater goer next to me was this (younger older) (white) woman with a very pleasant smile, and since it was a sold out show and I was cracking open a pack of gummy bears, I offered some to her.

"Oh thank you!", she was like.  "You read my mind!".

She then went on to say that she was newly retired from different food management jobs, and that "it's great."

Her daily routine, she added, is to paint in the morning, and then do whatever she wants the rest of the day, and she has been going to a lot of movies lately, especially "madcap" ones.

"If they're madcap," she was like, "I'm there."

She also said that she has a friend who has chronic pain and that that friend got assigned medical marijuana that comes in the form of gummy bears.

"I have a hard enough time stopping eating them now!", she was like.  "Can you imagine if they had pot in them?".

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