Wednesday, May 3, 2017

But I'm not embarrassed about "Rumours."

So, I've been treating myself to a used CD of something I really want, every time I finish off a writing project.

For the longest time, I'd been wanting to get Fleetwood Mac's "Rumours," only no project was coming to fruition.

Then, out of the blue I get mailed a hardcover copy of this collected essay volume that I'd banged out a piece for and had mostly forgotten about, even though like a month earlier I had emailed in my address to get my free complementary copy!

Saddly, the piece isn't my best, though I think it was a good idea to get it included and get my messaging out there, for whoever picks up the volume.  That said, I'm not advertising it on social media, since I'm kind of embarrassed about it.

But, I'm not embarrassed about "Rumours," which getting that volume let me buy, so I'm kind of happy that I wrote that dang essay.

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