Saturday, April 1, 2017

An odd night at the grocery store.

The other Sunday night at like 7pm, the grocery store I go to was *packed*.

Eventually, I realized that because it had been a nice day out, most everyone must have been out doing things, and people put off their shopping till later, after the sun went down.

When I went to get a cart from the coin slot thing, there were only like 3 there, and when I came out, there were none, so I had to wait and look around for someone to return a cart so I could chain in my cart and get my quarter back, and then what do I see but a(n older) (Asian-American) lady wheeling in a couple carts from out in the parking lot.

"Here," she was like as she came up, and I chained my cart in and got my quarter back.

"Thank you so much, that was so nice of you to do that!", I was like, and I observed that the store was slammed, and so the workers must not have been able to come out and do that.

On another note, midway through my shopping that night, I needed to go to the bathroom really bad, and a (young) (black) girl slipped into the single occupant restroom ahead of me, and I had to wait and was dying.

When I finally got in, the shit just burst right out of me, but there was no more toilet paper and no paper towels, so I had to fish clean strips of toilet paper out of the basket to wipe my ass with.

I figure that they must have been strips that people used back when there was toilet paper, to lay on the toilet seat so that they didn't have to sit down on it.

The shit was so violent I waited a minute to see if more would come out, and eventually someone began knocking on the door, since they were waiting for me.

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