Sunday, March 26, 2017

A joke I keep making at work.

At my library job, we "shift" books during the middle of the term when work is slow, which is basically expanding them out across tons and tons of rows like an accordion in order to create room, because new acquisitions have begun to cause so much crowding.

At some points, too, we have cardboard markers, and have to "integrate" huge new sets of books, usually like a lot of new encyclopedias.

So, the other week, I began being like with my coworkers, "Did you hear about President Trump's new executive order?".

Everyone was like, "No, I didn't see the news, what is it?!".

Then, I was like, "It's actually directed at [name of the library we work at]," and as soon as they started to think that something was up and I was setting them up for a joke, I came in with the joke and was like, "We can shelve books, but we can't integrate."

Sometimes, too, I'd then add, "Buh-dump-bah," imitating the sound of a drumbeat closing off a joke.

Most everyone liked that, and my one (black) supervisor chuckled and was like, "Keep it up, [my first name], keep it up."

Another (black) (younger) supervisor who's very California-y and nonchalant was just kind of all drolly like, "Resist," which made me laugh a lot.

I was like, "You win for best response: 'Just resist and do your job,'" and I laughed again at her response, since I found it so funny.

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