Sunday, February 12, 2017

I've now caused 2 people to read Moby's memoir "Porcelain":

1) At the one labor activism class, this one (black) (middle-aged) guy who I was chit-chatting with before class began, and when he asked me how I was, I said great because I couldn't put this book down, then he asked me what book, and when I said "Moby's Porcelain," he was like, "Let me write that down," and he did.

(He told me later that he loves memoirs and reads them a lot, though mostly he reads memoirs of innovators and philanthropists.)

2) At a (new) (Greek neighborhood) bar after the class, the (young) (Greek) (female) bartender, who saw me pull out a book and so asked me what book I was reading, and who then told me that Moby's song "Porcelain" is the classic late night beach bar song across all of the Mediterranean up through this very day, since it has that late summer night chill mellow vibe to it, and she pulled out her iPhone and played it for me right there so I could listen to it.

(She also seemed very into music, and had me write down for her the name of this one local blues guitarist who I heard last year, so she could look into going to see him.)

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